- 骨盆器官X线照相术pelviroentgenography
- 钱德拉装有敏感的X线检测器,天文学家用它对准这星系的核心,希望确定两个活跃点中是否有一个为黑洞。When Chandra, with its sensitive X-ray detectors, focused on the nuclei, astronomers hoped it would tell them whether either of the two points of activity were black holes.
- 器官X线片organogram
- 骨盆器官Pelvic organs
- 在线in-line
- 线检测器thread detector
- 女性骨盆器官Female pelvic organs
- 断线检测器thread break detector
- 骨盆器官固定术pelvifixation
- 器官X线摄影organography
- 骨盆器官热疗器pelvitherm
- 器官X射线照像术organograph
- 骨盆器官热疗企pelvither
- X线人类学roentgenographic anthropology
- 器官X线照片organogram
- 透X线Pass through X - ray
- X线两档Two X-ray energy modes
- 器官X线照相术organography
- X线系统X- ray system
- X线检测X-ray detection