- 抗线虫大豆品种对大豆胞囊线虫生理小种演变的选择作用及育种思路Selection effect of anti - wireworm soybean variety on physiology evolution of soybean sporangioworm and breeding tactics
- 大豆对胞囊线虫(Heterodera glycines Ichinohe)1号和4号生理小种抗性的遗传分析Inheritance of Resistance to Race 1 and Race 4 of Cyst Nematode(Heterodera glycines Ichinohe) in Soybeans
- 胞囊线虫Cyst nematode
- 在线in-line
- 胞囊线虫病Heterodera glicines
- 线虫eelworm
- 胞囊蚴cystacanth
- 马铃薯线虫potato nematode
- 胞囊形成encystment
- 马铃薯金线虫Globodera rostochiensis
- 胞囊状的utricular
- 马铃薯茎线虫D. destructor
- 胞囊孢子sporangiospore
- 腱鞘囊肿类似肿瘤的一种良性胞囊损伤,产生于腱鞘或联合囊内A benign cystic lesion resembling a tumor,occurring in a tendon sheath or joint capsule.
- 线虫学研究线虫的动物学分支The branch of zoology that deals with nematodes.
- 马铃薯白线虫Globodera pallida
- 阿福线虫属Alfortia
- 海洋线虫marine roundworm
- 胞囊锥虫属[医] Cystotrypanosoma
- 艾氏同杆线虫Rhabditella axei