- 昆塔喜欢抱起马迪,向空中抛起,又一把将他接住。Kunta liked tossing Madi into the air, catching him as he fell
- 沃特斯Waters
- 在回西印度群岛的路上,梅森在马迪拉停留,住在爱先生那儿,并听他说他的外甥女要和一位罗切斯特先生结婚。”On his way back to the West Indies, Mr Mason stopped in Madeira and stayed with Mr Eyre, who mentioned that his niece was going to marry a Mr Rochester.
- 约翰·沃特斯的人生John waters change of life
- “跳过数十条新的电缆线路”(哈里F.沃特斯)"hopscotching across dozens of new cable channels" (Harry F. Waters)
- 沃特斯486检测器氘灯电源故障及维修现代科学仪器Principle and Maintenauce of Deuterium Lamp Regulator for Waters 486 UV Detector
- 请稍等,沃特斯先生。我把复本找来,你是说DT3-19吗?Hold on a second,Mr. Waters,I'll get my copy. DT3-19,you say,do not you?
- 请稍等,沃特斯先生。我把复本找来,你是说DT3 - 19吗?Hold on a second,Mr. Waters,I'll get my copy. DT3 - 19 ,you say,do not you ?
- “他是音像时代里设计和造就出来的流行乐偶像”(哈里F.沃特斯)"He is . . . a pop icon designed and manufactured for the video generation" (Harry F. Waters)
- 在第三种情况之下,你会杀掉艾塞儿沃特斯,最伟大的黑人灵歌歌手。In the third case, you have killed Ethel Waters, the great black gospel singer.
- 采访沃特斯女士之前,我又读了一遍她的书,以唤起自己的记忆。Before I interviewed Ms Waters, I read her book again just to refresh my memory.
- 案发第二天,警方传讯了当时26岁的肯尼·沃特斯,那时他已经面临着袭警的指控。The next day police questioned Kenny Waters, then 26, who at the time was already facing charges of assaulting a police officer.
- 沃特斯.埃特尔,从轻歌舞剧开始的美国女演员和歌唱家,走红于百老汇和电影,如《声音与愤怒》(1959年)Waters Etel,an American actress and singer who began in vaudeville and became popular on Broadway and in films,such as The Sound and the Fury (1959)
- 沃特斯,埃特尔。1896-1977从轻歌舞剧开始的美国女演员和歌唱家,走红于百老汇和电影,如声音与愤怒(1959年)American actress and singer who began in vaudeville and became popular on Broadway and in films,such as The Sound and the Fury(1959.
- 沃特斯,埃特尔。1896-1977从轻歌舞剧开始的美国女演员和歌唱家,走红于百老汇和电影,如声音与愤怒(1959年)American actress and singer who began in vaudeville and became popular on Broadway and in films, such as The Sound and the Fury(1959).
- 该校历史学教授尼尔·沃特斯表示,维基百科是一个开始自己研究工作的理想场所,但那种试图通过它来包揽一切的做法则是注定行不通的。History professor Neil Waters says Wikipedia is an ideal place to start research but an unacceptable way to end it.
- 读书因难