- 雕engrave
- 白蛇传Tale of the White Snake
- 一箭双雕kill two birds with one stone
- 杯弓蛇影be jittery with imaginary fears
- 射雕英雄传Hero Shooting Vulture
- 大蛇anaconda
- 虚与委蛇deal with sb. courteously but without sincerity
- 以昆虫和蠕虫为食陆地生黄昏时或黎明前活动的马达加斯加鹞。Madagascan roller with terrestrial and crepuscular habits that feeds on e.g. insects and worms.
- 沙雕sand carving
- 这小孩被蛇吓了一跳。The child was frightened by the snake.
- 精雕finishing impression
- 那条蛇轻快地向猎物游去。The snake glided smoothly towards its prey.
- 文心雕龙The Literary Heart and the Carving of Dragons
- 王蛇boa
- 金雕golden eagle
- 我害怕蛇。I have a fear of snakes.
- 天才的艺术家把这块树根雕成一件有趣的装饰品。The talented artist carved an interesting decoration from this piece of tree root.
- 一朝被蛇咬A burnt child dreads the fire.
- 砖雕tile carving
- 那条蛇匍匐而行。The snake crawls on its belly.