- 猪笼草nepenthes
- [医] 猪笼草属Nepenthes L.
- 猪笼草科Nepenthaceae
- 猪笼草属[医] Nepenthes L.
- 以昆虫和蠕虫为食陆地生黄昏时或黎明前活动的马达加斯加鹞。Madagascan roller with terrestrial and crepuscular habits that feeds on e.g. insects and worms.
- 猪笼草组培快繁技术Tissue Culture and Fast Propagation in Nepenthes Alata
- 产于非洲和马达加斯加的蜥蜴,皮肤能变色,舌头能弹出。lizard of Africa and Madagascar able to change skin color and having a projectile tongue.
- 猪笼草组培快繁技术研究Tissue culture and rapid propagation of Nepenthes mirabilis
- 马达加斯加的首都和最大城市。the capital and largest city of the Malagasy Republic.
- 猪笼草组织培养育苗技术的研究Study on the Tissue Culture and Breeding Technology of Nepenthes mirabills
- 马达加斯加的教育近况--中国教育部考察团访非报告之二Recent Development of Education in Madagascar --Report on African Visit by China Education Ministry
- 有些猪笼草的叶子长得就像水罐,Some pitcher plants have leaves the shape of a pitcher.
- 马达加斯加陆龟Geochelone yniphora [Madagascar tortoise]
- 马达加斯加部Madagascar province
- 海南岛野生猪笼草资源调查及其营养成分分析The Investigation and Study on the Germplasm Resources and Growth of the wild Common Nepenthes in Hainan
- 马达加斯加钩Madagascar hook
- 马达加斯加界Madagascan
- 如猪笼草蜜罐这种低交互的蜜罐易于安装并且只需要很少的维护量。A low-interaction honeypot like Nepenthes is easy to install and requires minimal maintenance.
- 马达加斯加王陵Mausoleum of Madagascar's kings
- 这个怪物与猪笼草非常相似,通常是用蔓藤捕获住敌人并放入身体内消化掉。It's body is mostly a digestive bag. Digests enemies by catching them with.