- 通过马赛人地区Through Masai Land
- 马赛人要时刻准备着为牧群而牺牲。A Masai has to be ready to risk his life for his herd.
- 都传着仿制的马赛人服装They are fake Masai costumes
- 因为马赛人现在依然存在,Because the Masai still exist today, living on reserves.
- 每个马赛人在出生的那天都会得到一只母牛、羔和山羊。Every Masai gets a cow, a lamb, and a goat the day he's born.
- 报人journalist
- 埃及人Egyptian
- 白种人white
- 强人strong man
- 人渣scouring
- 爱尔兰人Irish
- 俗人layman
- 澳大利亚人Australian
- 逼人pressing
- 北方人Northman
- 波兰人polish
- 潮人tide-person
- 蒙古人Mongol
- 瑞典人Swede
- 授权人authorizer