- 田纳西州立大学马汀分校The University of Tennessee at Martin
- 马汀因伤未能参加比赛。Lee Martin was not involved due to injury.
- 史密斯先生是法学博士。Mr. Smith is a Doctor of Laws.
- 伦纳德·马汀特别导言Special Introduction by Leonard Maltin
- 他在聚精会神地写他的博士论文。He was involved in writing his doctoral dissertation.
- 马汀:谢谢,我是来体验狂欢节的。Martin: Thanks, I've come to experience Mardi Gras.
- 他获得了哲学博士学位。He earned his doctorate in philosophy.
- 瑞奇?马汀是好莱坞星光大道上的第2351颗“星”。His star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame is the 2,351st awarded.
- 哈迪博士是俱乐部的创始会员之一。Dr Hardy was a founder member of the club.
- 为了准备博士论文,他博览群书。He was learned in books for the preparation of his doctoral dissertation.
- 伦纳德·马汀,西部历史学家弗兰克·汤普森,男演员李·阿克Commentary by Leonard Maltin, Western Historian Frank Thompson and Actor Lee Aake A Special Introduction by Leonard Maltin
- 民法学博士Juris Civilis Doctor
- 然后,马汀所推荐的叛军突击队便用偷来的交通梭降落在安铎星目标护盾发电厂。Next, Madine proposed that a small Rebel strike team use the stolen shuttle to land on Endor and target the shield generator.
- 他写有关电磁的博士论文。He wrote his doctoral thesis on electromagnetism.
- 当瑞奇?马汀“添星”好莱坞星光大道之时,几百名女歌迷尖叫着将他团团围住。Ricky Martin was surrounded by hundreds of shrieking female fans as he received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
- 该学院是为了纪念欧文博士创建的。The College was founded in memorial of Dr. Owen.
- 所以克里斯(马汀)说,当我们经过他们的工厂时,他的师父也说这些做的太超过了。That's what Chris (Martin) said, when we went through the plant, that his people said that it was overdone.
- 我的朋友正在写她的博士论文。My friend is writing her doctoral thesis.
- 好莱坞市长安东尼奥?维拉莱格萨和女星丽塔?莫里诺出席了马汀的“添星”仪式。Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and actress Rita Moreno were also among those who attended the ceremony.
- 牙科学博士D.D.Sc.; doctor of dental medicine; Doctor of Dental Science; MDD