- 鼬stoat
- 臭鼬skunk
- 猎人捕得一只臭鼬。The hunter snared a skunk.
- 马来联邦Federated Malay States
- 猫鼬mongoose
- 马来属邦Unfederated Malay States
- 鼬鼠weasel
- 骑马人滑下马来。The rider slipped off the horse.
- 马来化maleation
- 鼬鼠是一种胆小的动物,但在保护其幼畜时也会凶猛地搏斗。The weasel is a timid animal but will fight like a tiger in defence of its young.
- 马来屎gutta percha
- 白鼬miniver
- 骑士把对手打下马来。The knight dismounted his opponent.
- 马来鞭Malayan whip
- 艾鼬fitchew
- 跳下马来Jump out of the saddle
- 艾鼬皮毛fitchew
- 马来蝽Malay bug
- 白头鼬tayra
- 马来鲎Tachypleus gigas