- 马来西亚有十叁个州.There are 13 states in Malaysia.
- 马来西亚有十三个州。There are 13 states in Malaysia.
- 十叁这个数字常常认为是个不吉利的数字.The number thirteen is often considered unlucky.
- 州的state
- 那个国家据说有几个州背叛了中央政府。Some states of the country are said to fly off from the central government.
- 瑞士是由二十二个州组成的。Switzerland is composed of twenty-two cantons.
- 美国约有19个州已制定了工作权利法。In the U. S, some 19 states currently have right-to-work laws.
- 美国独立战争使十三个州得到了独立。The American Revolution gave independence to the Colonies.
- 五十个州组成美国。Fifty states comprise the Union.
- 那个州出了两名得冠军的拳击手。That state has brought forth two champion boxers.
- 半个州demicanton
- 相连的48个州the 48 contiguous states.
- 瑞士使用最广泛的语言是德文:26个州中有17个是德语州。German is by far the most widely spoken language in Switzerland: 17 of the 26 cantons are monolingual in German.
- 阿巴拉契亚山脉穿经十三个州。The Appalachians run through thirteen states.
- 从山顶我们可以眺三个州。From the mountain peak we commanded a view of three States.
- 联邦中互相毗邻的48个州the 48 contiguous states of the Union.
- 经九个州制宪会议的批准,即足以使本宪法在各批准州成立。The ratification of the conventions of nine states, shall be sufficient for the establishment of this constitution between the states so ratifying the same.
- 他们的国家是由50个州组成的。Their country is comprised of 50 states.
- 跨越南海,位于婆罗州岛上的东马来西亚与印尼及汶莱为邻,只包括两个州与一个联邦直辖区。Across the South China Sea, East Malaysia on Borneo Island borders Indonesia and Brunei, and consists of just two states and one federal territory.
- 美国有多少个州?How many states are there in the United States of America?