- 渔fisherman
- 渔人fisherman
- 马来联邦Federated Malay States
- 马来属邦Unfederated Malay States
- 打渔fish
- 骑马人滑下马来。The rider slipped off the horse.
- 那位渔人可帮你渡过河去。The fisherman can put you across the river.
- 马来化maleation
- 本会亦将以唐狗会名义,向渔护署及与会团体提交意见。The Mongrel Club will also submit our views to AFCD and concern groups attending the meeting.
- 马来屎gutta percha
- 渔阳Yuyang
- 骑士把对手打下马来。The knight dismounted his opponent.
- 渔用仪器fishery instrument
- 马来鞭Malayan whip
- 爆炸渔法explosive fishing
- 跳下马来Jump out of the saddle
- 渔用制冷装置fishery refrigerating equipment
- 马来蝽Malay bug
- 第一艘在那些水域捕渔的拖网船the very first trawler ever to fish those waters
- 马来鲎Tachypleus gigas