- 马来亚Malaya
- 这根纪念柱是为纪念一场海战的大胜而建的。This monumental pillar was built in memory of a great navy victory.
- 中途岛海战Midway Islands, Battle of
- 马来亚岛国难当前应该先解决经济问题,而不是埋怨任何人。Malaysia's priority should be solving the nation's economic problems,and not putting the blame on others.
- 海战纪念柱a rostral column
- 马来亚的Malay
- 利昂18岁时有了第一次海战的经历。Leon received his baptism of fire in a naval battle when he was eighteen years old.
- 马来亚石malayaite
- [古罗马]海战功勋冠a rostral crown
- 马来亚人Malayan
- 拉索-日本战争(1905)里的一次海战;日本舰队在朝鲜海峡战胜俄国舰队。a naval battle in the Russo-Japanese War (1905); the Japanese fleet defeated the Russian fleet in the Korean Strait.
- 马来亚病Malaya disease
- 压山海战Yashan Naval Battle
- 驾驶是他本来的职业,他的意思是到马来亚,也不外乎是驾驶。Since driving was his original occupation, his rationale for this sudden change of mind was it would still be a driving job in Malaya.
- 现代海战a modern sea battle
- 马来亚联邦Malaya
- 甲午海战the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895
- 马来亚银行Malayan Banking Berhad
- 海战表演naumachia
- 马来亚灌林padang