- 马普替标Maprotiline
- 马普替林maprotiline
- 马普替林盐酸盐Maprotiline hydrochloride
- 内标为马普替林 ;The internal standard was maprotiline.
- 马普替林的萃取回收率为 81 7%。The extraction recovery of maprotiline was 81 7%25.
- 马普不罕外国刑法和国际刑法研究所Max-Planck-Institute for Foreign and International Penal Law
- 抑郁症患者吸烟对马普替林治疗作用的影响Smoking patients with depression have an influence on the therapeutic effect of maprotiline
- 路滴美,马普替林,麦普替林,路地米尔Ba-34276
- 氟西汀联用马普替林治疗抑郁伴发焦虑障碍Fluoxetine combined with maprotiline in treating depressive disorder associated with anxiety
- 万拉法新与马普替林治疗老年期抑郁症对照研究A Comparative Study of Venlafaxine and Maprotiline in the Treatment of Senile Depression.
- 麦普替林,吗丙啶,路滴美,马普替林,路地米尔Ladiomid; Ludiomil; Maprotiline
- 文拉法新与马普替林及丁螺环酮治疗抑郁症的对照研究A comparative study of Venlafaxine,Maprotiline and Buspirone in the Treatment of Depression.
- 目的 :比较文拉法辛与马普替林治疗抑郁症的疗效及安全性。Objective:To compare the clinical efficacy and safety of venlafaxine with maprotiline in the treatment of depression.
- 目的:探讨氟西汀与马普替林联用治疗抑郁伴发焦虑障碍的疗效及安全性。AIM: To probe the clinical effects and safety of fluoxetine combined with maprotiline in the treatment of depression associated with anxiety.
- 氟西汀联用马普替林对抑郁伴发焦虑症状与文拉法辛疗效相当,不良反应相似。Fluoxetine combined with maprotiline in the treatment of depression associated with anxiety, as venlafaxine, show equivalent clinical effects with similar adverse reactions.
- 马普学院的同仁斯特凡尼·科莫萨说:"这颗不幸的恒星只是'闲逛'时不小心走错了路。"This unlucky star just wandered into the wrong neighborhood," said Stefanie Komossa, also of the Max Planck Institute.
- 马普学院的同仁斯特凡尼·科莫萨说:"这颗不幸的恒星只是'闲逛'时不小心走错了路。"This unlucky star just wandered into the wrong neighborhood," said Stefanie Komossa, also of the Max Planck Institute
- 接下来是简-爱,荷裘-波洛,布吉特-琼斯(注2),卡洛利上校(注3)和马普小姐(注4),各得一个百分点。Jane Eyre, Hercule Poirot, Bridget Jones, Captain Corelli and Miss Marple were next at one per cent each.
- 马普学院的同仁斯特凡尼·科莫萨说:“这颗不幸的恒星只是‘闲逛’时不小心走错了路。”"This unlucky star just wandered into the wrong neighborhood," said Stefanie Komossa, also of the Max Planck Institute.
- 马普研究所的科学家已经发现了一种遗传缺陷分子机制的细节,这种缺陷将使得大脑信号传导中断并导致自闭症。Max Planck scientists have decoded the molecular details of a genetic defect that disrupts signal transmission in the brain and causes autism.