- 公主princess
- 小公主little-princess
- 马德琳Madeleine
- 长公主princess royal
- 马德琳立刻抢走了你的地位。Madeleine snatched your position right up.
- 你认为马德琳是个不称职的母亲?Do you think Madeleine is an unfit mother?
- 公主身穿最高级的丝绸衣服。The princess is wearing a dress of the finest silk.
- 第二个孩子在受洗礼时取名叫马德琳。The second child had been christened Madeline.
- 公主装的princesse
- 照片中的女孩不是马德琳Girl in photo not Madeleine, reports say
- 这位公主有一个咬手指甲的习惯。The princess has a habit of biting her fingernails.
- 她诡秘地向马德琳瞥了一眼。She glanced slyly at Madeleine.
- 公主在穿着上挥霍无度。The princess spent an outrageous amount on clothes.
- 他说马德琳是个很棒的学者。He observed that Madeleine was a sound scholar.
- 文成公主Wen Cheng princess
- 马德琳无意要使她和赫索格家的人疏远。Madeleine was not trying to estrange her from the Herzogs.
- 巫师使漂亮的公主中了魔法。The sorcerer enchanted the beautiful princess.
- 马德琳这么对待他,无疑是在破坏一项伟大规划。In treating him as she did, Madeleine injured a great project.
- 邪恶的巫师诅咒年轻的公主,让她将在悲伤中度过一生。The wicked magician imprecated a curse on the young princess that her future would end in sorrow.
- 马德琳使得卓尔达相信,她是一个了不起的女人。Madeleine had convinced Zelda that she too was exceptional.