- (吉隆坡讯)马来西亚新闻部长莫哈末拉末说,参与“烈火莫熄”示威行动的人士不应成为外来势力的傀儡以破坏国家,反之应采取更明智的方法来表达他们的意愿。(Kuala Lumpur)Malaysian Information Minister Mohammed Rahmat said people who took part in the "Lasting Peace" demonstrations should not become foreign puppets to sabotage the country and should, instead, take wiser approaches to express their wills.
- 末end
- 莫do not
- 美国最大的沙漠是加利福尼亚洲的莫哈韦沙漠。D.The biggest desert of America is Mojave Desert of Cali-fornia State.
- 32又从拿弗他利支派的地业中将加利利的基低斯,就是误杀人者的庇护城,和属城的郊野,给了他们;又给他们哈末多珥和属城的郊野,加珥坦和属城的郊野,共三座城。And out of the tribe of Naphtali: Kedesh in Galilee with its pasture lands, the city of refuge for the manslayer; and Hammoth-dor with its pasture lands and Kartan with its pasture lands: three cities.
- 马哈迪首相说这激怒了马公民,身为马公民的我并不觉得被激怒了!Prime Minister Mahathir says the memoirs have angered the Malaysian people. As a Malaysian, I do not feel particularly angered in any way!
- 啊哈aha
- 身为一国政治领袖,马哈迪必须清楚认识到个人言的象征意义以及可能引起的外交后果。As a political leader of a country, Dr Mahathir should be keenly aware of the significance of his words, their political implications and impact on Malaysia's foreign relations.
- 世纪末end of the century
- 还看到了位于亚利桑那州和加州之间的莫哈韦沙漠。and the Mojave Desert between Arizona and California.
- 莫大greatest
- 夏末late summer
- 莫大的greatest
- 莫泊桑Maupassant
- 末级last stage
- 哈气breathe out
- 她在信末又附了一笔。She added a postscript to her letter.
- 撤哈拉大部分地区终年无雨。Most of Sahara receives almost no rain at all.
- 神秘莫测wrapped in a shroud of mystery
- 句末写上问号。Put a question mark at the end of the sentence.