- 马哈拉施特拉邦的Mahratti
- 生活在印度中西部的马哈拉施特拉邦的印度民族的成员a member of a Hindu people inhabiting Maharashtra in west-central India
- 马拉地人生活在印度中西部的马哈拉施特拉邦的印度民族的成员A member of a Hindu people inhabiting Maharashtra in west-central India.
- 马哈拉施特拉邦,印度历史上中西部的一个地区。从14世纪早期到17世纪中期由印度的穆斯林统治者控制,到19世纪被英国人并入孟买省。说马拉地语的那部分地区在1960年成为一个独立的邦a historical region of west-central India. It was controlled by the Moslem rulers of India from the early14th to the mid-17th century and incorporated by the British into the province of Bombay in the19th century. The Marathi-speaking section of the region became a separate state in 1960