- 研究所research institute
- 德国莱比锡的马克斯普朗克考古人类学研究所帕波的研究团队,分析了从墨西哥玉米栽培起源地附近发现的玉米穗轴中,特定基因的对偶基因(基因型)。For example, a group led by Svante P??bo of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, analyzed the alleles, or versions, of specific genes in corn cobs recovered from sites in Mexico near the origin of corn domestication.
- 研究所所长Director, Research Institute
- 技术研究所technical institute
- 药物研究所institute of materia medica
- 你的学术成就将有助于提高这个研究所的声誉。Your academic achievements will redound to the fame of the research institution.
- 癌症研究所ICR
- 植物研究所Institute of botany
- 经济研究所institute of economics
- 皮肤病研究所institute of internal medicine
- 巴斯德研究所Institute Pasteur
- 天文学研究所Institute of astronomy
- 登肯多夫研究所Das Denkendorfer Institut
- 中兽医研究所。Traditional Chinese veterinary research institute
- 茶叶研究所TRI
- 冶金自动化研究所Institute of Automation, Ministry of Metallurgical Industry
- 医学工业研究所。Pharmaceutical research institute
- 国际斯坦福研究所Stanford Research Institute International
- 硫研究所Sulphur Institute, The
- 消防研究所FRS =Fire Research Station