- 在华盛顿肯尼迪中心的马丁·路德·金日纪念仪式上,他们两位的传奇被相提并论。[Their-There] two stories became intertwine d [at a] ceremony marking Martin Lurther King Day at Washington's Kennedy Center.
- 金日成综合大学Kim Il Sung University
- 金日成为何从朝鲜来到中国东北参加抗日战争?Why Jin Richeng came to northeast of China from Korea to support War of Resistance Against Japan?
- 马丁‘路德Martin Luther
- 马丁·路德·金在以非暴力手段寻求平等的过程中树立了许多敌人。Martin Luther King made many adversaries in his nonviolent quest for equality.
- 早餐后,我们来到此行的最后景点万景台--金日成诞生地去拜谒。After breakfast, we come to ten thousand scene platforms of last beauty spot of this journey ---Kim Il Sung goes to pay a formal visit to birthplace.
- 马丁拒绝讨论此事。Martin refused to discuss the matter.
- 金日成两次讲述蛟河大嫂的故事,所述经过基本一致,只是在个别细节上略有出入。Two of Kim Il Sung tell Jiaohe the stories of sister-in-law, state through basically unanimous, Just slightly comes in and go out on the specific detail.
- 我相信马丁有着双重动机。I believe that Martin had two motives.
- 马丁·路德·金Martin Luther King
- 马丁皱着眉坐着。Martin sat frowning.
- 如今,在美国,马丁·路得·金日是人们对他为不公正而战的纪念,对他的被许多人共有的梦想的铭记。Today, Martin Luther King Day in the U.S. Is a time to remember the injustices that Dr. King fought against, and to remember a dream, which is shared by many.
- 路德rood
- 他走进小店并且与马丁太太拥抱致意。He entered the store and greeted Mrs. Martin with a hug.
- 路德教Lutheranism
- 这位是马丁。This man is Martin.
- 路德椅Luther chair
- 马丁断定他没有充足的证据。Martin decided that he had no adequate proof.
- 路德会Lutheran Church
- 他把马丁猛推到一旁。He thrust Martin aside.