- 香豌豆沿藤向上蔓生.The sweet peas are twisting up the canes.
- 香豌豆沿藤向上蔓生。The sweet peas are twisting up the canes.
- 香豌豆沿 向上蔓生.The sweet peas are twisting up the canes.
- 藤rattan
- 豌豆pea
- 迷迭香rosemary
- 好好学习,天天向上。Study well and make progress every day.
- 百里香thyme
- 暗香secret fragrance
- 好好学习,天天向上study well and make progress every day
- 救护车当当地沿街开过。The ambulance clanged down the avenue.
- 藤的cany
- 牧地香豌豆在贵州的生长表现及营养成分分析Analysis of Nutrient Composition and Growth Performance of Wild Meadow Pea-vine in Guizhou
- 他用篙撑筏沿江而下。He poled the raft down the river.
- 常春藤蔓生整个墙面。There is ivy trailing all over the wall.
- 藤编rattan woven ware; Rattan work; woven rattan articles
- 这条小路沿池塘绕一圈。The path loops around the pond.
- 七里香daphne odera
- 这藤盘绕在树干上。The vine twines round the tree.
- 她在剥豌豆。She is shelling peas.