- 英国求购香薰蜡烛Scented candles in a tin
- 可能有几个对象,如同我们香薰例子。There may be several target audiences, as in the case of our aromatherapy example.
- 香薰灯Fragrance Lamp
- 迷迭香rosemary
- 香薰水疗精油:天然芳香精油、增溶渗透剂,有清新提神、舒缓压力、舒爽活络作用。Fragrant oil: Natural essential oil, solubilizing agent and penetrant. It can refresh oneself, relieve tension and activate collaterals.
- 他把蜡烛吹灭了。He blew out the candle.
- 百里香thyme
- 这蜡烛正在冒烟。The candle is fuming.
- 薰蒸fumigation
- 七里香daphne odera
- 她吹灭了蜡烛,然后上了床。She puffed out the candle and went to bed.
- 一阵风把闪烁不定的蜡烛吹熄了。A gust of wind blew the flickering candle out.
- 话又说回来,客户对网上销售香薰用品。Let's say that your client sells aromatherapy supplies over the Internet.
- 蜡烛在风中闪烁不定。The candle flickered in the wind.
- 安息香benzoin
- 蜡烛是蜡做的。Candles are made from wax.
- 我的眼睛被烟薰痛。My eyes are stinging from the smoke.
- 香芋henry steudnera tuber
- 烟薰得我眼睛痛。The smoke stung my eyes.
- 五支蜡烛照亮了卧室。Five candles lighted up the bedroom.