- 梅尔斯说,FDA也应对其他传统香菸的替代品--类似糖果的菸草锭,加以规范。Myers said, FDA should also regulate other traditional alternatives to cigarettes such as the candy-like tobacco lozenge
- 我几乎不能透过香菸的迷雾看见她。I could hardly see her through the haze of cigarette smoke.
- 香fragrant
- 园方说,布隆方丹动物园的黑猩猩查理从入园的游客那里学会抽菸,他们有时会丢香菸给??Keepers say Charlie the chimpanzee picked up the habit from visitors at the Bloemfontein Zoo who sometimes toss him cigarettes.
- 希瑟:不是。他们指摘小店老板卖香菸给未成年孩子。Heather: No, they're accusing him of selling cigarettes to underage children.
- 园方要求游客不得再丢香菸给黑猩猩,助长牠的菸瘾。The zoo is asking people to stop tossing cigarettes and contributing to the chimp's habit.
- 香的spicy
- 菸tobacco
- 迷迭香rosemary
- 百里香thyme
- 暗香secret fragrance
- 抽菸smoking
- 七里香daphne odera
- 菸臭a reek of tobacco
- 飘香drifting fragrance
- 鱼香茄子eggplants with garlic sauce
- 香浓aromatic
- 熏香incense
- 五香spiced
- 香囊incense bag