- 香港金管局公布银行负资产住宅按揭贷款最新调查结果Hong Kong Monetary Authority Announces Results of Latest Survey of Banks on Residential Mortgage Loans in Negative Equity
- 金管局没有计划就香港华人银行或任何其他本地银行采取上述行动。The HKMA has no plan to take such actions in respect of Hongkong Chinese Bank or any other local bank.
- 事实上,根据金管局一些内部研究,香港未到2004年底已结束通缩,亦是有可能的。Indeed, some internal work at the HKMA suggests that it is not impossible that deflation will be over by the end of 2004.
- 金管局的职责是清楚表明我们的政策立场,并准备好随时提供适当的协助。Our job is to lay down clearly our policy stance and to stand ready to assist appropriately.
- 我们也欢迎其他有兴趣加入成为报价商的银行联络金管局,查询进一步的资料。Other banks interested to join as price providers are welcome to approach the HKMA for further information.
- 根据是项计划,机管局债券将以不定期招标方式售予金管局指定的市场庄家及认可交易商。Under the Programme, the AA Notes will be sold from time to time by tender to a group of Market Makers and Recognized Dealers appointed by the HKMA.
- 香港金融管理局(金管局)Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA)
- 金管局Hong Kong Monetary Authority
- 金管局负责管理外汇基金。The HKMA manages the Exchange Fund.
- 金管局经济研究部Jim Wong, Nancy Tang and Angela Sze HKMA Research Department
- 金管局定期检讨其投资策略及运作。The HKMA regularly reviews its investment strategy and operations.
- 金管局与国际金融社会HKMA and the International Financial Community
- 金管局调高利率25个基点HKMA to raise interest rates by 25 basis points
- 讨论文件可自金管局网站The discussion paper can be downloaded from the HKMAs website at
- 金管局监管的认可机构名单List of Authorized Institutions under the supervision of the HKMA
- 观点:向公众介绍金管局的工作Viewpoint: Introducing the work of the HKMA to the public
- 《银行营运守则》(金管局)Code of Banking Practice(HKMA)
- 金管局推出CMU债券报价网站。The HKMA launches the CMU Bond Price Bulletin website.
- 金管局与银行界紧密合作,务求令香港银行同业支付系统更趋健全。The HKMA has worked closely with the banking community to enhance the robustness of Hong Kong's interbank payment system.
- 实时支付结算系统【金管局】Real Time Gross Settlement system (RTGS) [HKMA]