- 香港Hong Kong
- 经济economy
- 经济趋势economic trend
- 社会经济趋势科Socio-Economic Trends Section
- 趋势trend
- 我对香港经济能够在金融风暴平息之后,尽快走出困境是充满信心的。I am full of confidence that Hong Kong's economy will get out of scrapes soon after the financial turmoil is over.
- (经济趋势的)前导Bellwether (of economic trends)
- 经济的economical
- 香港经济Hong Kong's economy
- 经济发展economic development
- 市场机制会成为人们对经济趋势的最终裁判。The market mechanism is the final arbiter of the soundness of human judgments with respect to economic trends.
- 香港经济年鉴2。Hong Kong Economy Yearbook III.
- 可用以预测未来财务或经济趋势的任何方法。Indicator Anything used to predict future financial or economic trends.
- 教育为每个人提供机会,为香港经济的进一步发展培育人才。It gives opportunities to each individual, and gives to the community the abilities required for further economic development.
- 城市的文艺复兴伴随着一股经济趋势的新潮流。The urban renaissance was swimming with the tide of a new economic trend.
- 香港经济振兴之路径Path to Hong Kong's Economic Rejuvenation
- 未来经济趋势,人们普遍看好的21世纪商业运作四大模式In the future economic trend, people are widespread to think for really fine 21 centuries, the business operates four greatest modes
- 繁荣稳定香港经济secure prosperity and stability of Hong Kong
- 租金上升与香港经济Rising Rents and the Hong Kong Economy
- 引伸性事实从个别国家或一组单个国家的数据中归纳出来的一般经济趋势。Stylized fact A generalization about economic trends extrapolated from data or an individual or group of individual countries.