- 由具有西方学位的归国留学生组成的北京大学中国经济研究中心已成为这一改革的开路先锋。Leading the way is Beijing University's prestigious China Center for Economic Research.
- 中心heart
- 香港Hong Kong
- 经济economy
- 浙江林学院林业经济研究中心秘书长Secretary-general, Research Center for Forestry Economy, Zhejiang Forestry University
- 研究中心research center
- 我对香港经济能够在金融风暴平息之后,尽快走出困境是充满信心的。I am full of confidence that Hong Kong's economy will get out of scrapes soon after the financial turmoil is over.
- 赵耀辉,北京大学中国经济研究中心教授Yaohui Zhao, Professor, PKU China Center for Economic Research
- 香港经济Hong Kong's economy
- 经济研究economic research
- 香港经济年鉴2。Hong Kong Economy Yearbook III.
- 经济研究中心economic research center
- 教育为每个人提供机会,为香港经济的进一步发展培育人才。It gives opportunities to each individual, and gives to the community the abilities required for further economic development.
- 香港大学亚太经济合作研究中心主任。Director, APEC Study Centre, the University of Hong Kong.
- 经济研究通报》刊载经济学理论与应用方面的研究论述、札记和考察报告。Bulletin of Economic Research.
- 香港经济振兴之路径Path to Hong Kong's Economic Rejuvenation
- 谢多。公开市场业务实践与货币政策操作方式转变[J].经济研究,2000,(5)。John.B.Taylor, "Expections, Open market operation, and Changes in the Federal Funds Rate", the Federal Reserve of St.louis Review, JULY/AUGUST 2001.
- 繁荣稳定香港经济secure prosperity and stability of Hong Kong
- 英国步步康糖果研究中心(香港)国际有限公司。England Bubukang Candy Research Center (Hong Kong) International Co., Ltd.
- 在mit的第一年和接下来的在(美国)国家经济研究局(NBER)那个夏天,我们相谈甚欢。Larry's enthusiasm, breadth of knowledge, and quick mind attracted me, and we spoke together at MIT during the year and at NBER during the following summer.