- 香港工业总会于一九六零年成立,属法定组织,致力促进和维护本港工商界的利益。The Federation of Hong Kong Industries is a statutory body established in 1960 to promote and foster the interests of Hong Kong's industrial and business communities.
- 会be able to
- 其中历史最悠久、影响力较大的包括香港工业总会、香港中华厂商联合会、香港总商会和香港中华总商会。The Federation of Hong Kong Industries,the Chinese Manufacturers'Association of Hong Kong,the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce and the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce are among the oldest and the most influential trade and industrial associations in Hong Kong.
- 香港Hong Kong
- 总overall
- 不会unlikely
- 会话conversation
- 香港工业园公司。Hong Kong Industrial Estates Corporation
- 总会always
- 都会metropolis
- 香港工业总会联谊会Thank you Party of Federation of Hongkong Industries
- 将会will, going to
- 今年,香港工业奖已进入第十个年头。This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Hong Kong Awards for Industry.
- 香港工业出品贸易协进会Hong Kong Industrial Production Trading Association
- 慈善总会charitable union
- 香港工业科技中心公司。Hong Kong Industrial Technology Centre Corporation
- 下放总会遇到障碍。Delegation of power to lower levels will inevitably run into obstacles.
- 香港工业废水处理的发展Developments in Industrial Wastewater Treatment in Hong Kong
- 一个精采的进球总会使观众们非常激动。The audience is/are always very excited by a wonderful goal.
- 香港工业署-商业牌照资讯中心Hong Kong Industry Department - Business Licence Information Center