- 香港Hong Kong
- 其他工商机构还包括:香港管理专业协会、香港中国企业协会、香港出口商会及各个驻港商会,例如美国商会、澳洲商会、英国商会、加拿大商会、印度商会及日本商会。Other organisations include the Hong Kong Management Association,the Hong Kong Chinese Enterprises Association,the Hong Kong Exporters'Association and various overseas chambers of commerce in Hong Kong such as the American,Australian,British,Canadian,Indian and Japanese chambers.
- 商会chamber of commerce
- 香港人Hong Kong person|people
- 国际商会International Chamber of Commerce [ICC]
- 他出身印度最高的种姓。He came from the highest Hindu caste.
- 香港大学Hong Kong University
- 后来,他以传教士的身份去了印度。Later he went to India as a missionary.
- 香港中文大学The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- 种姓制度在一些东方国家如印度仍然很牢固。The caste system is still strong in some eastern countries such as India.
- 香港回归return of Hong kong
- 美国商会CCUS
- 印度曾是英国的殖民地。India was once a British colony.
- 香港科技大学Hong Kong University of Science and Thchnology
- 商会会长chairman of the chamber of commerce
- 大洪水袭击了印度东北部。Heavy floods hit Northeastern India.
- 香港理工大学The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- 印度是大象的生长地。India is the home of elephants.
- 商会促进地方商业。The chamber of commerce boosts local business.
- 香港城市大学City University of Hong Kong