- 香港保险师公会The Society of Certified Insurance Practitioners
- 英国保险公会北婆罗洲保险区域British North BORNEO
- 香港Hong Kong
- 得自香港保险业务的保费Premiums from insurance business in Hong Kong
- 新加坡、香港保险监管比较研究及启示The Comparative Study and its Enlightenment of the Insurance Regulation in Sigapore and Hongkong
- 公会guild
- 香港人Hong Kong person|people
- 圣公会protestant episcopal church
- 一九九八年对香港保险界来说,也是十分重要的一年。这不单因为保险界首次在立法会有代表议席,而且也因为有关强积金的法例已通过,在香港的历史上立下重要的里程碑。1998 is a very important year for the insurance industry,not only because you will,for the first time,be represented in the legislature but also it is really a milestone with the passing of the legislation on the MPF.
- 加入医师公会的医生brother doctor
- 香港大学Hong Kong University
- 香港中文大学The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- 公会会长deacon
- 那些没有买保险的人现在后悔了。Those who have not bought insurance are now regretting.
- 香港回归return of Hong kong
- 保险会使你的财产得到保障。Insurance will safeguard your property.
- 英国圣公会Episcopal Church
- 香港科技大学Hong Kong University of Science and Thchnology
- 在给他保险之前,保险公司决定查对一下他的驾驶记录。The insurance company decided to check upon his driving record before insuring him.
- 香港理工大学The Hong Kong Polytechnic University