- 首相亲临会议.The Prime Minister made a personal appearance at the meeting.
- 首相亲临会议。The Prime Minister made a personal appearance at the meeting.
- 首相正在参加最高级会议。The Prime Minister is attending the summit.
- 他的大驾亲临his corporeal presence
- 总统亲临现场。The President made a personal appearance at the event.
- 昨天他没有参加会议。He did not attend the meeting yesterday.
- 他是首相最信任的助手。He was the Prime Minister's most trusted lieutenant.
- 亲临广西三月三On the scene of Guangxi
- 举行了全体会议。A plenary meeting was held.
- 首相视察了我市几个工厂。The prime minister visited several factories in our city.
- 国家体育总局领导亲临考察The leader of Sports Bureau inspect here in person
- 谁将主持会议?Who will preside at the meeting?
- 他加入了首相这一派。He joined the prime minister's bandwagon.
- 总统亲临,使我们感到荣幸。The President honoured us with a personal visit.
- 他给我们寄来了会议备忘录。He sent us a memorandum about the meeting.
- 那个社会主义国家向前任首相表达敬意。That socialistic nation pay homage to the previous premier.
- 总统亲临该地区视察受损情况。The President visited the area to see the devastation at first hand.
- 各色人等参加了那个会议。A mix of people attended the meeting.
- 新首相是一位公认的有远见的政治家。The new prime minister is generally acknowledged as a farsighted statesman.