- 奶香南瓜馅心stuffing
- 牛奶蛋糊馅心酥壳饼quiche
- 美心乐芙球是食品市场上的又一新宠,它是由浆状料滴落在钢带上经焙烤膨发中空后注入馅心而成的球状休闲食品,香酥美味,颇受消费者青睐。Beautiful heart le fu ball is another new favorite of the market, it is a globular recreation food made through: drip thick liquid material on steel band, baking, expand to hollow, and inject filling into it ; fragrant crisp delicious food, is quite favored by consumers.
- 馅stuffing
- 忍心(v) be emotionally willing to do sth
- 心动aroused in interest
- 变心cease to be faithful
- 不开心bile
- 心如刀割grief-stricken
- 回心转意change one's mind
- 心内的endocardiac
- 随心follow one's inclinations
- 心率cardiac rate
- 心痛的aching
- 菜心heart of cabbage plants; heart
- 不死心unresigned
- 日心说hiliocentricism
- 三心二意vacillating
- 多心oversensitive
- 心形heart-shaped