- 他们用饼干喂他。They fed him on biscuits.
- 他有各式各样的模型飞机。He has all manner of model planes.
- 他们要点饼干吗?Do they want some biscuit?
- 模板匹配模型template matching model
- 厨师用烤箱烤饼干。The cook bakes biscuits in an oven.
- 塑造它们的模型已毁。The mould in which they were made is broken.
- 我们需要几盒饼干。We need a couple of boxes of cookies.
- 可熔化模型材料expendable pattern material
- 预制模型to preform a mould
- 一块饼干也没剩下No cookies are left.
- 自模型内压制出管子extrude tubing
- 压碎了的饼干kibbled biscuits
- 他们还做这种模型吗?Do they make this model anymore?
- 我有意要处罚你偷饼干。I have a mind to punish you for stealing a cookie.
- 等价模型equivalence models
- 饼干有辣味。The biscuit is fiery.
- 布景模型scenic model
- 来一点饼干,怎么样?You want some cookies, would you?
- 模态模型论modal model theory
- 薄而脆的饼干A thin, crisp cracker.