- 鲜食枣Fresh jujube
- 早熟大果鲜食枣品种‘七月鲜An Early Maturity Jujube Cultivar -'Qiyuexian'
- 极早熟优质鲜食枣新品种-露脆蜜A New Variety of Extremely Early Fine Dates----Crisp Dew-honey
- 大果型鲜食枣良种开发与早实丰产技术Superior varieties and high-yield techniques of great fruit and fresh eating jujube
- 食animal feed
- 续约option
- 有约have an appointment
- 日食solar eclipse
- 约等于approximate
- 约好by agreement
- 约为be about
- 约见meet up
- 暴食gluttony
- 枣红色purplish red; date red
- 暴饮暴食engorgement
- 香芋枣排Taro and Chinese Date Cake
- 约时间make an appointment
- 食肉动物carnivore
- 邀约invite
- 食人族man-eater