- 飞机上满是度假的乘客.The plane was full of holiday-makers.
- 一名伊利诺斯男人离开了街道上满是雪的芝加哥,到佛罗里达州去度假。An Illinois man left the snowballed streets of Chicago for a vacation in Florida.
- 山麓上满是杜鹃花、紫藤花和其他美丽的花朵,真是花团锦簇。The mountainsides are ablaze with azalea, wistaria, and many other beautiful flowers.
- 海峡群岛是度假的好去处。The channel island is favorite holiday destination.
- 会议间布置得像战地指挥部投影屏幕上满是各区主营业务的数据。It was like a war-room, with all the division's main operating data projected on screens.
- 请您注意每驾飞机上只有5位乘客的位置。Please note there are only 5 passenger seats on the aircraft.
- 飞机上的140名乘客中只有12人幸免于这次空难。Only 12 of the 140 passengers on the plane survived the crash.
- 飞机上满是度假的乘客。The plane was full of holiday-makers.
- 是的。这跟我坐过多少次飞机没有关系,只要是在飞机上我就不能放松。Yes. It doesn't matter how often I fly, I can never relax when in the air.
- 这套衣服上满是漂亮的绣花。The dress was covered with beautiful embroidery.
- 随着有关反恐怖主义条款中禁止携带锋利物品乘机这一规则不再像以前那么严格,本月末在英国各个机场乘飞机出行的乘客们将又可以使用金属餐具在飞机上用餐了。Passengers flying from British airports will be able to dine with metal cutlery again when anti-terrorism rules banning sharp objects on board are relaxed later this month.
- 雨伞上满是洞,雨水正滴下来。The umbrella is riddled with holes and the rain's dripping down.
- 我从邮戳上看出这张明信片是从玛丽度假的地方寄出的。I see from the postmark that this postcard was mailed from Mary's holiday address.
- 航空公司正采取进一步的措施以保证其飞机上乘客的安全。The airline is taking further steps to insure public safety on its aircraft.
- 清晨玻璃上满是霜。The grass was covered with frost in the early morning.
- 狗跑过去捡拾死兔子,兔子身体的一侧满是密密的枪眼。The dog went off to fetch in the dead rabbit. It was peppered with snots all down one side.
- 随着有关反恐怖主义条款中禁止携带锋利物品乘机这一规则不再像以前那么严格,本月末在英国各个机场乘飞机出行的乘客们将又可以使用金属餐具在飞机上用餐了。Passengers flying from British airports will be able to dine with metal cutlery again when anti-terrorism rules banning sharp objects on board are relaxed later this month.
- 山坡上满是松树。The hillside was dotted with pine trees.
- 便道上满是狗屎.The pavement was covered in dogs' excrement.
- 旋转螺旋桨的集合;直升飞机上是水平旋转物,喷气式飞机上是压缩旋转物。an assembly of rotating airfoils; horizontal rotors on a helicopter or compressor rotors of a jet engine.