- 风势毫未稍减.The gales continuedunabated.
- 风势毫未稍减。The gales continued unabated.
- 河内的领导人很快就显示他们的蛮横态度毫未收敛。Hanoi's leaders soon showed that they had lost none of the insolence.
- 即使我现在是个目不识丁的村妇,也不能稍减我诗人的品质,而这些却是我过去忽略的。Even if I were an illiterate, rustic woman, it in no way detracts from my poetic qualities. I had neglected all these qualities previously.
- 从未never
- 你赐给我们世人的礼物,满足了我们一切的需要,可是它们又毫未减少地返回到你那里。Thy gifts to us mortals fulfil all our needs and yet run back to thee undiminished.
- 还未yet
- 不减imperishability
- 风势渐渐缓和。The wind is moderating.
- 未完unfinished
- 请稍等一下,我马上就来。Hang on a minute; I'm just coming.
- 七减三得四。Subtract 3 from 7 and you have 4.
- 稍等一会儿wait a second
- 仍未yet
- 白毫pekoe
- 骤减die-off
- 亲爱的,请稍等片刻。Darling, would you please wait a second.
- 十减五剩五。10 minus 5 leaves 5.
- 稍等片刻Wait a moment!
- 未确认unconfirmed