- 儿童颅脑CT的应用Application of Cranial CT in Children
- 早产儿颅脑CT低剂量扫描意义The value of low-dose CT scanning in brain of premature infant
- 153例老年人颅脑CT体检分析Analysis of Cranian CT Findings in the Check-up of 153 Aged Subjects
- 颅脑CT阴性的癫痫患者的脑电研究Study of EEG for the CT negative epileptic patients
- 血性脑脊液与颅脑CT异常的相关性研究Correlation between bloody cerebrospinal fluid and craniocerebral CT abnormality
- 急性缺氧家猫颅脑CT表现与毛细血管面积密度的关系The relationship between brain CT manifestations and capillary area density in cats in acute hypoxia
- 肝豆状核变性的颅脑CT诊断(附39例报告)CT Diagnosis of the Hepatolenticular Degeneration(A Report of 39 Cases)
- 颅脑损伤craniocerebral injury
- CTX - ray computed tomography
- 颅脑外伤craniocerebral trauma; injury of skull and brain
- γ-CTγ-CT
- 颅脑Brain
- 牙CTdental CT
- 颅脑的craniocerebral
- CT机CT machine
- 颅脑手术operations on cranium and brain
- SR-CTsynchrotron radiation computed tomography
- 颅脑MRIcerebral MRI
- CT数CT data