- 讴歌eulogize
- 颂扬eulogize
- 他值得高度讴歌。He is entitled to high praise.
- 讴歌生活to lyricize life
- 讴歌颂德praise one's merit
- 颂扬祖国的歌声响彻四方。Songs of extolling the motherland are ringing far and near.
- 她写诗讴歌自由。She wrote poems in praise of freedom.
- 他的小说颂扬无政府主义。His novels were celebrations of anarchism.
- 讴歌民族英雄eulogize national heroes
- 这是篇颂扬这位杰出博物学家的致辞。This is a eulogy of the eminent naturalist.
- 对好运和美好事物的讴歌、the ode to luck and beauty
- 他们被当做英雄来颂扬。They were extolled as heroes.
- 讴歌战争,讴歌船长和国王,To sing of wars, of captains, and of kings
- 各报不约而同地颂扬政府积极性的建议。The papers all chorused the praises of the positive suggestions of the government.
- 他们把它叫作贝加尔海。并为之讴歌吟颂。They call it the Baikal Sea and sing songs about it.
- 颂扬并崇拜某人。Offer up praise and adoration to sb.
- 讴歌至情、揄扬人性的思想内容发微Exploration of the Thought of Eulogizing the Emotion and Praising Humanism in A Dream in Red Mansions
- 颂扬或者赞美To glorify or praise.
- 由那些未被人们讴歌的英雄们赢得的战争A war won by unsung heroes.
- 他作了一个颂扬性的演讲。He made a speech of panegyric.