- 耳机earphone
- 项链(n) necklace; neck chain
- 蓝牙耳机bluetooth headset
- 珍珠项链necklace
- 头戴耳机can
- 波拉在寻找她丢失的项链时,把屋子里的所有东西翻得乱七八糟。Paula turned everything in the house upside-down when she was trying to find her missing necklace.
- 耳机线earphone cord
- 我估计这条项链值五千美元。I value this necklace at %245,000.
- 她的钻石项链一定很贵。Her diamond necklace must have cost a king's ransom.
- 头戴式耳机headset
- 水晶珠项链a necklace of crystals
- 耳机插孔headset jack
- 金项链gold necklace
- 立体声耳机stereophone
- 直到回到家里她才发现丢失了项链。She do not miss her necklace until she arrive home.
- 标准耳机standard earphone
- 她的脖子上戴了一条金项链。She wore a gold chain around her neck.
- 包装中的耳机为右耳佩戴模式。When packaged, the headset is originally set up to wear on the right ear.
- 她的项链掉了下来,因为钩环坏了。Her necklace fell off because the clasp had broken.
- 将耳机机身靠近耳朵Press the headset to your ear.