- 最高级别的官员;顶尖运动员top-ranking officials/players
- 全国的顶尖运动员都抵制那次比赛。All the country's leading players snubbed the tournament.
- 顶尖运动员与教练一起仔细研究,寻找成功与失败的原因,从中吸取经验教训,但他们从不背离长期目标。Top athletes scrutinize both success and failure with their coach to extract lessons from them, but they are never distracted from longer-term goals.
- 这是在1998年长野冬季奥林匹克运动会上,来自俄罗斯,芬兰和乌克兰的顶尖运动员所使用的最好的保健品。"A great supplement used by top Russian, Finnish and Ukranian athletes who competed in the 1998 Winter Olympic Games at Nagano."
- 实际上,1924年每个参赛国都拥有了自己的奥林匹克委员会,通过举办预选赛来选拔其国家代表队,这样世界上每一项目的顶尖运动员大部分都得以相聚巴黎。And,in 1924,virtually every participating country had its own Olympic committee that conducted trials to select a national team,so most of the world's first-class athletes in every sport were in Paris.
- 赛跑运动员向终点冲刺。The runner spurted for the line.
- 那个年轻运动员投掷得很好。The young athlete throws well.
- 那个足球运动员因对对手犯规而受到警告。The footballer was cautioned for a foul on an opponent.
- 跳水运动员在高台边上站稳。The diver poised on the edge of the high board.
- 那个运动员身躯强壮有力。The athlete has a powerful trunk.
- 这名运动员正受肌肉劳损之苦。The athlete is suffering from muscular strain.
- 运动员一定要保持身体健康。Athletes must stay in shape.
- 她弟弟是个职业网球运动员。Her younger brother is a professional tennis player.
- 那个篮球运动员又犯规了。The basketball player fouled again.
- 那位运动员身材魁梧。That athlete has a large frame.
- 人群后退让运动员们通过。The crowd fell back to let the players through.
- 教练用剑面打他的运动员。The coach hit his man with the flat of my sword.
- 这位运动员能跳两米高。The athlete is able to jump two meters.
- 汤姆替换了那个受伤的运动员。Tom substituted for the injured player.
- 著名登山运动员a famous mountain climber