- 韩民族熊图腾文化来源考A Textual Research on the Origin of the Totem-Bear Culture of the Korean Nation
- 中、日、韩民族服装继承与穿用现状比较研究Study of Passing on and Wearing National Costume of Chinese, Japanese and Korean
- 韩(former) Chinese state
- 日报daily newspaper
- 中韩民族联合抗敌御侮的新起点--虹口公园爆炸案的历史地位述论A New Starting Point for China and Korea to Unite for Resistance--A discourse upon the history Position of the explosion in Hongkou Park
- 民族nationality
- 中国日报China Daily (an English language newspaper)
- 韩语Korean
- 民族的national
- 韩剧South Korean TV soaps
- 华尔街日报Wall Street Journal
- 日韩Japan and Korea S
- 广州日报Guangzhou Daily
- 民族团结national unity
- 光明日报Guangming Daily
- 游牧民族nomad
- 北韩North Korea
- 民族精神ethos
- 南方日报South Daily
- 民族学ethnonymics