- “有三人前来调查我们收取的费用和佣金。”某银行称。“他们说,正在对韩国的银行是否违反公平交易委员会法规进行调查。”"Three people came to investigate the fees and commissions we charge," said one bank. "They said they were looking into whether Korean banks are violating FTC regulations.
- 韩国Korea
- “有三人前来调查我们收取的费用和佣金。”某银行称。“他们说,正在对韩国的银行是否违反公平交易委员会法规进行调查。"Three people came to investigate the fees and commissions we charge," said one bank. "They said they were looking into whether Korean banks are violating FTC regulations.
- 韩国人Korean
- 仲裁委员会arbitration commission
- 韩国语Korean
- 管理委员会collegium
- 常务委员会standing committee
- 公平交易权right to fair deals
- 专家委员会committee of experts
- 做了一笔公平交易getting a fair shake.
- 韩国泡菜Pickles
- 公平交易协议fair exchange protocol
- 中央委员会Central Committee
- 公平交易守则a code of practice for fair trading
- 执行委员会executive council
- 公平交易定价原则arm's length standard
- 审计委员会Committee on Public Accounts
- 公平交易执法教程2。Course in fair trade law enforcement II.
- 韩国语的Korean