- 韩凭夫妇Han Ping and His Wife
- 韩凭夫妇故事流变中的文人旨趣On the Changing Literary Tastes Reflected in the Love Story of Han Pin and His Wife
- 韩(former) Chinese state
- 韩语Korean
- 凭什么whereby
- 韩剧South Korean TV soaps
- 日韩Japan and Korea S
- 我之有今天,全凭您大力支持。I owe you everything in life.
- 北韩North Korea
- 他凭直觉知道有些地方不对劲。He had an intuition that there was something wrong.
- 韩服Hanbok, Korean traditional dress
- 凭记忆without book
- 中韩Sino-Korean
- 凭什么理由?On what ground?
- 你仅凭猜测怎么能发现真相?How can you divine the truth by mere guesswork?
- 韩日Korean and Japanese
- 凭指纹确认罪犯the identification of criminals by their fingerprints
- 保险凭条risk note
- 韩中Korean-Chinese
- 她凭直觉意识到什么地方出毛病了。She sensed what was wrong by intuition.