- 你这么说他,他脸子上肯定觉得挂不住了。He must have felt a loss of face since you scolded him like this.
- 你如果用一个不结实的钩子,这画就挂不住。The picture won't stop up if you use one of those weak hooks.
- 看在老天爷的面子上去拿一杯茶给我吧。我口里一点味也没有。For heaven's sake go and fetch me a cup of tea. I've got a mouth like the bottom of a parrot's cage!
- 赵副局长这么直白的说出来让我实在有点挂不住。Deputy director of straightforward so let's say I am a bit ashamed.
- 你不能对一个男人这么说,叫他面子上过不去。You can't come down that hard on a man and leave him his balls.
- 不住repeatedly
- 草上挂满露珠。The grass dripped with dew.
- 看在旧日关系的面子上;For the old time sake.
- 不过看在楼主的面子上,我顶了!But look at the face of you, I withstand the theme!
- 旗杆上挂灯笼,高明A lantern hung from a flagpole/high and Bright
- 看在旧曰关系的面子上,请帮我这一回。For the old time sake, please give me a hand this time.
- 6杯威士忌下肚,哈里两腿站不住了。特德说:“你醉了,我还是为你叫一辆出租车吧。”After six whiskies Harry was finding it difficult to stay on his feet. "You're as pissed as a newt, " Ted said, "I'd better get you to a taxi."
- 耙齿上挂住了几片叶子。There were leaves stuck to the teeth of the rake.
- 晚餐吃得很奢侈浪费只是为了面子上好看Spent lavishly on dinner just for effect.
- 他脖子上挂著身分牌儿。He wears an identity disc round his neck.
- 狂热的求爱使她控制不住自己的感情。She was swept off her feet by a whirlwind courtship.
- 她脖子上挂了一串珠子。She wore a string of beads round her neck.
- 如果你管不住你的狗使它不咬人,你就必须把它锁起来。If you can't restrain your dog from biting people you must lock him up.
- 她是一个冷酷自私的女人,喜欢把许多想法藏在心里,面子上一点不露声色,连眼色也不透露出一点。She was a cold, self-centred woman, with many a thought of her own which never found expression, not even by so much as the glint of an eye.
- 他缺乏意志力,克制不住自己的贪吃。He hasn't the willpower to stop eating so much.