- 非常逗人、 可疑.be vastly amused,suspicious
- 非常逗人、可疑.Be vastly amused,suspicious
- 听说你高升我非常高兴。I rejoice to hear of your promotion.
- 离开这个老家非常痛苦。It was a wrench to leave the old home.
- 他们的注意力集中在那个可疑分子身上。They zeroed in on the suspicious man.
- 约翰常常逗人笑,因此要想知道何时他是正经就很困难了。John often plays the fool so it is difficult to know when to take him seriously.
- 她的不幸令我非常心痛。Her sufferings wrung my heart.
- 那家伙行为可疑。There was something fishy about that guy.
- 这只小猫多么逗人喜爱!What a cunning kitten!
- 他对学生非常严格。He is very strict with his students.
- 詹姆斯发觉这殷勤之中有点可疑。James scented something suspicious in this courtesy.
- 我非常器重你的能力。I have a very high regard for your abilities.
- 警察局长命令样子可疑的陌生人马上走。The sheriff ordered the suspicious looking stranger to hit the trail.
- 他是位非常出色的教师。He is a swell teacher.
- 背景可疑的人a person of shady antecedents
- 他对待生活非常达观。He has a philosophic approach to life.
- 可疑的证据shaky evidence.
- 他非常伤心。He was full of sorrow.
- 出处可疑的of doubtful provenance
- 他非常狡诈。He is full of guile.