- 在音乐方面他无人可比。There’s no one to touch him in music.
- 可may
- 一个因为非常人的行为举止而使别人感到局促不安的人。a person whose unconventional behavior embarrasses others.
- 他的才能无人可比。He has no parallel for talent.
- 撼动我,非常人所及It's gonna take a Superman to sweep me off my feet
- 听这种哭喊非常人所能忍受。Listening to the cries was more than flesh and blood could stand.
- 可用do
- 以上提到的重要的神均化为人形,容貌秀丽,体态端庄,无人可比。All the major gods mentioned above assumed human forms of peerless beauty and grace.
- 玺,是古代皇帝专用之物,玉玺更是名贵所在,非常人所能持有,象征着至高无上的权力身份和地位,现已被作为装饰使用。Imperial jade seal is only for emperors and ordinary people can't hold it. It symbolize the supreme power, stands and position, it is used for decoration nowadays.
- 当代无人可比。No man living could do better.
- 可比comparable
- 不会说话的人可用手势沟通。People who cannot speak can talk by using signs.
- 他是最好的学生,无人可比。He is the best student bar none.
- 我以前倒也见过一些笨工人,但是这群人可算是最笨的了。I've seen some slow workers in my time but this lot are the slowest by far.
- 这几组数字是不可比的。The sets of figures are not comparable.
- 你不提防男人,男人可非常惦记你!You care nothing for a man who cares so much for thee!
- 那位渔人可帮你渡过河去。The fisherman can put you across the river.
- 她将蛋糕切成多块,每人可得一份。She portioned out the cake, so everyone had a piece.
- 他是最好的学生, 无人可比。He is the best student bar none.
- 这个人可真是个时髦人物。That guy is a real swinger.