- 青稞highland barley
- 法国以其佳肴和美酒著名。France is famous for its fine food and wine.
- 青稞粉highland flour
- 美酒佳肴excellent wine and delicious dishes
- 春青稞Spring barley
- 栽培青稞cultivated naked barley
- 多么香甜的美酒!How luscious wine!
- 青稞茶酒highland tealeaf wine
- 一顿美餐辅以美酒,便相得益彰。A fine wine is a complement to a good meal.
- 青稞籽粒hullessbarley seeds
- 老容出美酒。The best wine come out of an old vessel.
- 青稞种质naked barley
- 备有佳肴美酒keep a good table
- 西藏青稞Agronomic traits
- 美酒珍馔good wine and savory dishes
- 青稞产业Highland barley industry
- 饫赐美酒To Bestow with good wine
- 青稞秸秆Hullessbarley straw stalk
- 美酒良肴good wine and delicious dishes
- 青稞发酵液fermented highland barley juice