- 雷在远处隆隆地响.The thunder growled in the distance.
- 雷在远处隆隆地响。The thunder growled in the distance.
- 雷声[炮声]在远处隆隆作响。Thunder [The gunfire] is rumbling in the distance.
- 放一个诡雷在上面,以防万一你的对手占领矿柱也是个不错的主意。Placing a Saboteur bomb on it in case he tries to recapture the spike is also a good idea.
- 炮声在远处隆隆作响。The guns thundered in the distance.
- 我们听见雷在西边隆隆作响。We heard thunder muttering in the west.
- 雷声不断隆隆地响着。The thunder continued to rumble.
- 放一个诡雷在上面以防万一你的敌人试图占据它。Place a Saboteur bomb on it in case your enemy tries to recapture the spike.
- 雷声在远处隆隆作响。Thunder growled in the distance .
- 雨打那些竹门的唦唦的声音,现在是更急更响了,雷在草棚顶上滚; 可是那一带草棚的人声比雨比雷更凶。The hiss of the rain on the bamboo doors was louder and more insistent than ever and overhead the rumble of thunder still rolled across the sky, but the sound of voices which rose from the huts was even fiercer than the angry roar of the storm.
- 在独奏进行时,我希望人们不要把节目单翻得沙沙地响。I wish people wouldn't rustle their programmes during the solos.
- 在远处in the distance
- 陪审团断定当斯奇林和雷在了解如何利用会计作帐隐藏债务和夸大收益后,他们再三在安然的财务健康状况上撒谎。Jurors decided Skilling and Lay repeatedly lied about Enron's financial health when they knew of accounting maneuvers that hid debt and inflated profits.
- 雷声 [炮声] 在远处隆隆作响。Thunder [The gunfire] is rumbling in the distance.
- 火车站的时钟滴答滴地响着,一分一秒地送走了等车的几个小时时间。The railway station clock ticked away the hours of waiting.
- 那一家移民坐着车子隆隆地驶进了茫茫的黑暗中,我们跟在他们后面。The immigrants rumbled off into the empty darkness, and we followed them.
- 她听到一只羊在远处叫。She heard a lamb bleating in the distance.
- 男孩把一些石子放在铁盒子里,然后摇得哗啦哗啦地响。The boy put some stones in a tin box and made them rattle.
- 远处隆隆的炮声the distant boom of the guns
- 菲利浦,你看见在远处有个什么红色的东西漂浮在水上吗?Phillip, can you see something red floating in the distance on the water?