- 扬迪库吉那铁矿Yandicoogina Plant
- 雷吉娜·伊尔莎ILSE, Regina E.
- 那which
- 博吉那双棕色眼睛看着我,高兴地喘着粗气,张开长着獠牙的嘴,吐出粉红的舌头。Bogy,brown eyes regarding me,panted happily,pink tongue peeking from tusked20 jaws.
- 迅雷sudden peal of thunder
- 那种the sort of
- 柯雷吉多尔岛,马尼拉湾入口处菲律宾群岛北部一个岛。1942年五月,尽管经过英勇保卫战,菲律宾和美国军队还是被迫将这个设防小岛放弃给日本。1945年三月美国伞兵收回此岛an island of the northern Philippines at the entrance to Manila Bay. Despite a heroic defense,Filipino and U.S. troops were forced to surrender the fortified island to Japan in May1942. U.S. paratroopers recaptured the island in March1945
- 那就是voila
- 雷诺Renault
- 那是that's
- 吉娃娃Chihuahua
- 防雷lightning protection
- 吉米jimmy
- 雷神Thor
- 那时候at the time
- 吉大Jinlin University
- 对那thereto
- 避雷thunder-arresting
- 雷射laser
- 吉他手guitarist