- 零落sporadic
- 零星采矿mole-hole operation
- 稀疏零落sparse and scattered
- 零星土地odd pieces of land
- 零落的ruinous
- 我表示愿意为她办些零星小事。I had shown an obliging disposition to render her some little services.
- 草木零落bare trees and withered grass
- 遭受零星轰炸的城市A city subjected to sporadic BomBing raids
- 草木零落。The grass is withered and the trees are bare.
- 晴朗,间有零星阵雨.Sunshine with scattered showers
- 东方天空射出零落的光辉。The east broke out in ragged flame.
- 零星的袭击、 炮击、 战斗.sporadic raids, gunfire, fighting
- 零落的枪声sporadic shooting; scattered reports of gunfire
- 零星的袭击、炮击、战斗.Sporadic raids,gunfire,fighting
- 寒冬的/零落的阵雪wintry/scattered snow showers
- 除了几件零星物品,所有的东西都装在盒子里了。Everything has been packed in boxes except a few odds and ends.
- 小山边叶子零落。On the side of a hill a sprinkling of leaves.
- 天气预报说今天将有零星阵雨。The weather report says we'll have scatteredshowers today.
- 凄凉零落的景象a desolate scene
- 小农场零星地分散在开阔的土地上small farms that were separated one from another by miles of open land.