- 除了经纪和托管人外,散户投资者亦可使用中央结算及交收系统。In addition to brokers and custodians, CCASS services are also available to retail investors.
- 系统system
- 持续净额交收系统Continuous Net Settlement (CNS) System
- 香港中央结算有限公司负责管理为联交所的证券买卖而设的证券中央结算及交收系统。The Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company (HKSCC) operates the Central Clearing and Settlement System (CCASS) for securities trading at the SEHK.
- 系统的systemic
- 债务工具中央结算系统是香港的中央债券结算交收系统,而RITS则为类似的澳洲政府债券系统。CMU is the central clearing and settlement system for debt securities in Hong Kong and RITS is a similar system for Australian government debt securities.
- 正交orthogonality
- 信息系统information system
- 应收账款receivables
- 系统信息system information
- 交单presentation
- 收汇collect
- 系统管理员system administrator
- 收钱collect money
- 代收collecting for another agency
- 文件系统file systems
- 系统文件system file
- 系统地by the numbers
- 生态系统ecological system
- 积压交收settlement backlog