- 复杂零件半固态压铸充型过程的计算机仿真Computer Simulation of Filling Complex Cavity During Semi-solid Die Casting
- 计算机computer
- 在过程控制计算机系统中,连接计算机系统和过程控制接口系统的线路。In a process computer system, the means for interconnection between the computer system and the process interface system
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- 过程process
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- 型的thysanuriform
- 集中型股权结构concentrated ownership structure
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- 区域集中型市场结构concentrative regional market structure
- 过程控制process monitoring
- 集中型资金管理模式Centralized Management of Capital
- 压铸充型过程模拟并行搜索算法Parallel search algorithm for mold filling simulation of die casting process
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- 主控制计算机main - controller computer
- 基于人工神经网络的消失模铸造充型过程数值模拟An artificial neural network model for numerical simulation of the mold filling process of EPC