- 雄姿heroic posture
- 英才式talent-oriented type
- 英才考察person of outstanding ability investigation
- 受过良好教育的英才the educated elite
- 雄姿英发majestic and spirited; dashing and debonair
- 魏晋的鹦鹉赋与当时文士的英才情结The Fu on Parrot and the Scholars'Genius Complex in the Wei and Jin Dynasties
- 倚着雄姿英秀。I lean against my beloved, strong and daring.
- 八达岭长城雄姿The Great Wall looks its magnificent at Badaling
- 英才接过房东太太递给的信,顺手塞进衣袋。Bold Talent reached for the envelope the landlady held out to him and put it in his pocket.
- 让您领略长江雄姿!Let you appreciate the majestic appearance of Changjiang River!
- 国际法研究所-非洲法律英才中心(乌干达坎帕拉);International Law Institute-African Centre for Legal Excellence (ILI-Uganda, Kampala).
- 我们见到了喷气式战斗机编队飞行的雄姿。We saw the imposing sight of jet fighters flying in formation.
- 英才怏怏不乐地走过去,坐在爬满黄蔷薇的影壁旁的石凳上。Reluctantly, Bold Talent walked over to sit on the stone bench beside the screen of climbing yellow rose.
- 喷气式战斗机编队飞行的雄姿the imposing sight of jet fighters flying in formation
- 英才自知他个人很难抵挡,便推出她负责接待,自己则躲在屏风后面偷听。Bold Talent, knowing they would be too much for him, enlist her to hold the interviews while he eavesdropped from behind a screen.
- 小乔初嫁了,雄姿英发,羽扇纶巾,Marrid small Chiao, a handsome, ambitious man with leather fans
- 人们蜂拥着前去一睹国王的雄姿。The people throng to see the king.
- 最终,一切政治意识,都归结为一件事:不论你是由封建国王统治还是英才统治,阶级区分依然存在。In the end, all political ideologies boil down to the same thing: class divisions persist whether you are ruled by a feudal king or an educated person.
- 太阳纸业不断增强自身优势雄姿步入市场竞争Sun Paper Co. Boosting up Its Strongpoint to Takes Part in Market Competitions
- 采取必要的步骤,完成这个使命,也是基于科学英才,需要训练有素的公共卫生从业人员和领导人致力于高品质标准及道德实践。The steps needed to accomplish this mission are also based on scientific excellence, requiring well-trained public health practitioners and leaders dedicated to high standards of quality and ethical practice.