- 解剖型钢板及中药治疗股骨髁上难治性骨折Combination anatomical steel plate with Chinese traditional medicine for the treatment of supracondylar fracture of the femur
- 氟桂利嗪抗癫痫及逆转难治性癫痫病人多药耐受基因的表达Flunarizine: anticonvulsant activity and reversing overexpresion of P-glyco protein-multidrug resistance gene in treatment of refractory epileptic patients
- 超声指导经皮无水乙醇注射治疗药物难治性格雷夫斯病的研究Ultrasound-directed percutaneous ethanol injection for patients with intractable Graves' disease
- 非穿透小梁切除术联合丝裂霉素C及羊膜植入术治疗难治性青少年开角型青光眼Non-penetrating Trabecular Surgery with Mitomycin-C and Amniotic Membrane Implant Treat the Refractory Juvenile Open Angle Glaucoma
- (7)ATG或OKT3是当前治疗移植肾难治性排斥反应最有效的免疫抑制剂之一。prevention and adequate treatment of infection are important as it is the most frequent cause of transplantation failure.
- 复发难治性多发性骨髓瘤患者 1例进步 ,1例缓解 ; APL患者 5例CR1 ,1例CR2 ,1例PR ;One case achieved progress and another obtained remission in relapsed MM, respectively, 5 CR1 and 1 PR2 and 1 NR in 7 APL, 2 CR and 2 PR and 1 NR in 5 CML BC cases, 1 CR and 1 NR in 2 MDS.
- 方法回顾性分析2004年12月至2005年10月间我院门诊收治的37例难治性ED患者临床资料。Methods The clinical information of 37 cases with refractory ED was retrospective analysised.
- 氟达拉宾联合阿糖胞苷及粒细胞集落刺激因子治疗复发及难治性急性髓细胞白血病的临床研究Fludarabine combined with colony-stimulating factor and cytarabine regimen for treatment of refractory or relapsed acute myeloid leukemia
- 难治性的refractory
- 难治性PNSrefractory PNS
- 难治性EPrefractory epilepsy
- 难治性ITPrefractory idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
- 难治性癫痫Intractable epilepsy
- 激素难治性hormone refractory
- 难治性哮喘refractory asthma
- 难治性便秘intractable constipation
- 难治性跖疣plantar warts
- 难治性溃疡refractoriness anabrosis
- 难治性流产refractory abortion
- 难治性抑郁refractory depression